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How to enable DPI check of uploaded images?

Version available: 0.9.*+
Version 1.0.0 support: supported

LiveArt is able to check user uploaded images to comply DPI requirement setting. Below goes small checklist to enable the DPI check for the user uploaded raster images and ensure it works properly for your products:
  • IMPORTANT: If "minDPU", "editableArea" or "editableAreaUnits" fields aren't defined, modal pop-up windows with respective DPI alert will not be shown or will be shown regardless of the uploaded image size;
  • IMPORTANT: Your Minimal DPU and Editable Area dimensions should be designated in same system of measurement. For example, if you are using cm instead of inches, your value should be represented in dot/cm instead of DPI. You are encouraged to use online calculators like this to obtain necessary values -
  • In main Config JSON or respective administration panel ensure "minDPU" (DPU stands for dot-per-unit) is set. This can be set to actual DPI required, e.g. 300. If "minDPU" isn't set, user will not see alert window after manipulating the images.
  • If you are using other units than inches - refer to  How to configure min DPI if not using inches
  • In Products JSON: fields "editableArea" and "editableAreaUnits" must be set to real dimensions for correct DPI calculation. You can also redefine "minDPU" setting on a product level.
  • In main index.html: to set your custom pop-up message, change html text in the block with id="dpu-exceeded-popup" and another confirmation pop-up window (when user places order) with id="liveart-confirm-dpu-exceeded-popup". Windows will use minDPU value from Config JSON or Product JSON (from active product) to display it.

Related Links:
  • Main configs: > Options -> minDPU
  • Product configs: -> minDPU
  • How to configure min DPI if not using inches
  • Feedback and Knowledge Base