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Preparing Vector Fonts for Designer

This article is legit fo v0.9+ and v1.0.0+.

LiveArt uses fonts in vector format for rendering, and you do not need to install the font on your server to have correct outputs. Each font should be converted and referenced in the configuration file (or added via the admin area in case of an integration version).

Vector Fonts Preparation

Follow these steps to prepare vector font:
  1. Proceed to
  2. Click "Choose file".

  3. Select TTF, OTF, PFB files of all typefaces you need.

  4. Enter the font-family value for the generated font.

    This value is required for correct work and should be the same as in your Admin Area
     respective Font Family field. See example:

  5. Enable "The EULAs of these fonts allow Web Embedding".

  6. Adjust glyphs selection as needed. We recommend selecting only Basic Latin and Latin Extended -A/B according to your needs. Including other glyphs may use a lot of space.
  7. Go to the Customization tab and select Raphael.registerFont to receive data.

  8. Generate cufon and download created JS file.
For admin area powered integrations, upload the JS file into the respective Vector File field.

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