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Social Networks Configuration

Version applicable: 0.10.28+
Version 1.0.0 support: not supported
The following section describes configuration of the Social Networks feature of the LiveArt. The feature provides user with ability to select images from Facebook, Instagram, Google or Flickr and use them in their design. In order to achieve that, each social network account should be registered and respective API keys obtained. You can also omit any of the keys to hide specific feature. This way you can only enable Facebook and Instagram, for example.

IMPORTANT: All Website URLs, Redirect URLs and keys are for illustration purposes only and should not be copied or used in your production deployment. Please keep your URLs and keys in secret.

Instagram integration:
NOTE: Redirect URI - URI of the page where LiveArt is (i.e. if liveArt is inside iframe - full URL of the iframe, otherwise - URL of the page)
You can find information how to setup your Instagram APP and get ClientID in the article CONFIGURING INSTAGRAM APP

1. Set Instagram ClientID 

Redirect URI should match options.authorizedRedirectUrl

Facebook integration:
IMPORTANT: Importing Facebook images is not working for the current latest versions of Firefox.
You can find information how to setup your Facebook APP and get ClientID in the article CONFIGURING FACEBOOK APP

1. Set Facebook ClientID

2. APP should have additional permission: user_photo 

3. Redirect URI should match Web Page URL in App.Settings

Flickr integration:
You can find information how to setup your Flickr APP and get ClientID in the article CONFIGURING FLICKR APP

1. Set options.flickrClientID (social.json)

2. Set up

Google integration:

DISABLED: from 13.04.2018  Google is hidden from social networks list because of API was broken. 

You can find information how to setup your Google APP and get ClientID in the article CONFIGURING GOOGLE APP

1. Set options.googleClientID (social.json)

2. Redirect URI should match Web Page URL in App.Settings

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